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Open PM2
Open PM2

Open PM2

PM² is a Project Management Methodology developed and supported by the European Commission. PM² captures the experience of EU institutions from managing thousands of projects, change initiatives, programmes and grants.

OpenPM² is an easy-to-use project management methodology, both for public and private organisations.

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  • One common and open project management methodology for Europe
  • Suitable for any type of organisation
  • Classroom and Virtual solutions


What is PM²?

PM² is a Project Management Methodology developed and supported by the European Commission. Until the end of 2016, the PM² methodology and certification was only available to EU institutions’ staff. With the OpenPM² Initiative, the EU Commission decided to provide open access to the PM² Project Management Methodology beyond purely EU institutions and including Contractors, Member States and finally all EU citizens.

PM² has been custom developed to fit the specific needs, culture and constraints of EU Institutions and Public Administrations. PM² also incorporates elements from globally accepted best practices, standards and methodologies, such as PRINCE2, PMI’s PMBOK and IPMA. The result is an easy-to-implement methodology suitable for any type of organisation.

PM² helps establish a common project management language and process for projects across organisations, increase effectiveness, collaboration efficiency and success in the coordination of projects in the EU.

Using PM² is especially effective for managing projects within:

  • European institutions
  • Public Administrations and non-governmental organisations
  • Service Providers to these administrations and institutions
  • European coordinated or funded projects
  • Private companies with a significant project portfolio.

The OpenPM² Initiative acts as a catalyst for the modernisation of European Public Administrations and increases project maturity within the EU.

PM² Training

QRP International organises training courses on PM² Project Management methodology. QRP is part of the PM² Group, a not-for-profit membership organisation that strives to facilitate the implementation of the PM² project management methodology in public and private projects as intended by the Center of Excellence in PM² of the European Commission.

PM² Benefits

  • A common PM methodology and vocabulary for the effective management of projects
  • Offers recommendation for the tailoring to suit specific project needs and environment
  • Offers a full set of artefacts templates, guidelines and examples to help manage your projects
  • Helps organisations deal with challenges of project management performance, collaboration with other organisations, engagement with citizens and complexities of managing service providers and outsourced projects

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If you have any questions or would like to receive further information please do not hesitate to contact us using the form.

  • 20+ years of experience
  • 50,000+ professionals trained
  • Only accredited training

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